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»Balancing career and family.«

»Although the idea of sustainability is very much alive in the company and among my colleagues, I still like working with pen and paper.«

The latest issue of employee magazine »Hauff-Blick« hot off the press surrounded by colourful highlighters and written notes is a familiar sight on Katja's desk. »Although the idea of sustainability is very much alive in the company and among my colleagues, I still like working with pen and paper«, admits the 32-year-old. The workplace of the mother of two is decorated with a drinking cup displaying a photo of two small children and the inscription »Mama« as well as a picture she painted herself.
After training as a public service employee, she began searching for a new challenge at Hauff-Technik and a few years ago, started in the back office working for the Managing Director on top of performing her reception duties. Collaboration with colleagues and the success of the company were also personally important to her. A few years later, she was able to further develop her skills in this area when offered the position of Human Resources and Management Assistant. She was also involved in launching a new staff magazine. Due to the rapid growth of the company and the increasing number of employees, there was also a growing need for a department that focused exclusively on corporate communications. About four years later, the department now comprises a total of five employees who work for internal and external corporate communications and continuously ensure a transparent flow of information at Hauff-Technik. 

»Since I became a mother, the focus of my life has shifted significantly.«

The birth of a child is always a huge challenge for every family. »Since I became a mother, the focus of my life has shifted significantly. I am no longer able to work the same hours for the job as before. However, I managed to devise a working model together with our Managing Director that made it easier to combine my work and family life.« 

»My employer allowed me to adopt a very flexible working schedule, which is not standard practice, and also shows how much Hauff-Technik is committed to helping employees achieve a good balance between family life and work.«

Flexibility in her everyday working life became even more important for Katja following the birth of her second child. »It is really important that my job fits around my everyday family life and that my working schedule can also be adapted, whenever necessary.« She sees the greatest flexibility in working remotely. »If one of my children falls ill, it's good to know that I can complete certain tasks from home - away from the office or even outside normal office hours.« This was particularly evident during the lockdowns when she was looking after both of her small children at home. »My employer allowed me to adopt a very flexible working schedule, which is not standard practice, and also shows how much Hauff-Technik is committed to helping employees achieve a good balance between family life and work.«
Most of all, she enjoys working in the office. »Personal exchanges with my colleagues are very important to me. Expressing my creativity here within the team, researching new reports together, and becoming familiar with unknown topics makes my job more enjoyable while at the same time providing a pleasant balance to everyday family life.«
Katja Paul
Employee in Corporate Development and Communications
Laura Berroth
Mechanical Engineering student
Tobias Mayer
Head of Logistics department